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Α gift of importance

“Α gift of importance” (2022-1-EL02-ESC30-SOL-000061423) is about bone marrow donor awareness through research, interviews and videos, and especially through promotion of the results for dissemination of the importance. “We have a long and hard road ahead of us, but I look forward to the day when no child will die like my son, waiting for a donor to save him,” were the words of Shirley Nolan, father of a child after he died because he was in the waiting line for an unmatched bone marrow donor. A large number of our fellow human beings, including many children, are dying from serious blood diseases because their marrow, the ‘factory’ that makes their blood cells, is severely damaged. A piece of ours can save these people and give them their lives back. Patients don’t need can’t choose, we can. Every 4 minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer. Leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. For most patients, their only hope is is a bone marrow transplant. The chance of finding a compatible donor for a patient in your family of finding a compatible unrelated donor is about 25%, while finding a compatible unrelated donor is extremely rare. That is, the life of of people who need bone marrow transplantation to survive depends 75% on volunteers. This means that you may be the only hope for the patient. Why become a donor, what is bone marrow, what is a bone marrow transplant, how is a compatible donor defined some of the questions that everyone who doesn’t know deeper has. Knowledge is power, that’s why information is our primary concern. Research results have shown that generosity, however expressed, has beneficial effects on the physical and psychological health of people who give, sometimes selflessly. When one does not concentrates only on what concerns oneself, but also on acts of kindness to others, manages the difficulties of life more functionally. A prerequisite for generosity is a lack of selfishness, optimism and trust in one’s fellow man that the offering will be used wisely. Selfless giving frees man from the shackles of selfishness and triggers a chain reaction of events, inspiring other fellow human beings, ultimately creating a cycle of giving and kindness. We imagine a world made of people with pure intentions and generous hearts. How much better would that world be? Economic and social crisis would be unknown words. Volunteerism is a form active participation of the citizen in the community, contributing to addressing the needs of everyday life. This is the world we want to build and be the change we want to see in it.